Change Readiness Assessment
The change readiness assessment is an excellent starting point to conduct a discussion about how to implement change initiatives in your organization. It is part of the SDGXCHANGE process, moving towards true business sustainability.
The assessment provides answers to questions such as: Are people in the organization more focused on collaboration, controlling, competition or creativity? The results can also serve as an underlying roadmap for organizational culture transformation. It is built around the following dimensions of culture that have been identified to make a difference in organizational success:
- Flexibility and Discretion
- Change Agent
- External Focus and Differentiation
- Market Focus
- Stability and Control
- Status Quo
- Internal Focus and Integration
- Clan
The well-known Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) allows mapping individual perspectives of a current and desired culture of an organization. It allows a quick assessment of the current state of an organization, using insights from a few key players inside the organization.
This adjacent diagram shows how such an assessment may look like, for example for Switzerland. The results show how 196 participants perceive the current and the desired culture of the country.
The change readiness provides an excellent starting point for a discussion, about how to advance towards true business sustainability. It answers questions such as: Are people more focused on collaboration, controlling, competition, or creativity? It can also serve as an underlying road map for transformation.