Are you interested in becoming a future advisor?
SDGXCHANGE is ideal for:
Consulting firms and independent consultants wishing a tool at their service
Business schools, universities and training institutions
Find out more from Katrin Muff, Co-Initiator of SDGXCHANGE
The SDGXCHANGE is a hands-on strategy tool,
creating outside-in business opportunities
through positive contributions to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
You will:
- Learn new approaches and tools
- Be able to add new tools to your services
- Be part of the SDGXCHANGE community
Certified Advisor
Certified advisor acquire the competencies necessary to independently use the GRIPS process of the SDGXCHANGE. To become an SDGXCHANGE Advisor you can follow the three step process detailed in the table below.
Trusted Ambassador
SDGXCHANGE Ambassador are spreading the news in a region or country about SDGXCHANGE. To become an SDGXCHANGE Trusted Ambassador you can take two paths:
- Opt A: Bring in 2 companies and have your trainers train you as they consult
- Opt B: Bring in 1 company and organize a local SDGXCHANGE Advisor training.
Do not hesitate to contact us.